Category Archives: Think differently

I’m a Loser, Baby (Soy un perdedor)

Watching the Metamoris Brazilian Jiu Jitsu submission-only challenge had me thinking about the acquisition of skill–okay, I think daily about the acquisition of skill–but also about how you carry, characterize, and implement skills that you have. Also, I have been revisiting some of my early research about the perception of Expertise in the eyes of […]


Imagine you are standing on the rail of a set of train tracks and your best friend is standing on the other rail. You face each other and smile. If you are are lucky, perhaps you can touch or even hold hands. Not likely. You see, train tracks have a purpose. They are for travel. […]

Pedagogy and its Discontents pt.2, Lead me where?

“It is impossible to escape the impression that people commonly use false standards of measurement–that they seek power, success and wealth for themselves and admire them in others, and that they underestimate what is of true value in life.” Sigmund Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents Let us not make any bones about the situation. The […]

Mat Rats–Contextual coaching towards Expertise

It is rare that I have anything that resembles spare time but in the words of Lemmy, who at the time was referencing beer, “There’s no such thing as extra, but you can have some of mine!” Time is a hot commodity in the @DrTimony household these days and between the full time job, part […]