Category Archives: Expertise

Thoughts on Athletic Expertise

In discussing Expertise, practice, and the myth of talent it is inevitable that someone asks if they could be the next Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan. Is it possible, at their age, to drop everything and learn to be as good or greater than two of the most iconic players of our age. And they […]

Top 5 ways to Convey Competence–according to students

In discussions with high school students, I was eager to find out what teachers do that conveys competence in their eyes. What are the behaviors that teachers demonstrate that allow the students to view them as possible Experts in their field? You are being watched. Evaluated. These “Expert” teaching behaviors do not represent perceptions of […]

5 Big Teacher Misbehaviors that will Haunt you

When I sat down with high school students to find out what teachers do to demonstrate a lack of Expertise, I was impressed by the astute observations that were provided. Drumroll… 5. Disorganized: Gone are the days of the disheveled genius; the offbeat, yet brilliant mind wearing yesterday’s suit and tomorrow’s socks. Einstein would not […]

Pedagogy. Andragogy. Adolgogy?

I have been banging the drum for some time and will continue to do so to the end of Reclaiming the Nomenclature. The first iteration of this phrase gets a rare nod and mostly puzzled looks. Well, sure, people do not use the term nomenclature much these days but I have always been fond of […]