Category Archives: Ed Reform

You Been Systematized!

What would you say of the educator or the student who comes to school empty? Are they to starve or is there a place for them at the table? To whom do they appeal and to where do they turn? Poverty of thoughts, skills, creativity, or influence can be as debilitating as poverty of funds […]

It’s the stupid, Stupid.

It is time to stop looking at Education as a character in threadbare clothing who needs a makeover. There is no level of dressing, redressing, or repair that will improve this image or its effects. Education is sick with a disease. Education has a bad case of STUPID. We have to get rid of the […]

THE END is upon us

We look at the throngs of edreformers and wonder which of them may have an answer. Any answer. Prognosticators, with their sandwich boards warn of the end of the (education) world. “Your schools are coming to an end! Repent!” they preach on the corners and in the arcades to any and all who listen. Others […]


New York City. It has been a while. My last visit brought me to the Steinhardt School for a conference. A city that does not have the same draw to me since the passing of a dear friend. A far cry from SOHO, Tribeca, and the late 1990s, I find myself Uptown at The School […]