Author Archives: Dr. Timony

Supporting creativity Pt. 5

Much like the work in Principles of Uncertainty, chaos over time becomes pattern. That is just the way it is. Years ago, my wife and I had one of those inexpensive sound spa units in our bedroom. The allure of napping by a babbling brook. You know. Like you used to do? Well. I came […]

Supporting creativity Pt. 4

Uncertainty. That is an excellent word to describe the research inspired by particle accelerators. Particles. Fast particles. 50 drummers. 25 dancers. 2 video artists. Chaos? Maybe. Until you start to see the patterns emerge. The relationships evolve. Suddenly a tragic story or exciting invitation. Audience members at the public performance were compelled, almost spiritually, to […]

Supporting creativity Pt. 3

When students begin to take ownership of creativity, they change. Our students began finding ways to spend more time in the studio. They talked about how they were creative, what they struggled with. Girls talked about bodies. Thin. Tall. Big. Fat. Amanda took such great care of them through this. She saw each dancer–always called […]

Supporting Creativity Pt. 2

Our first year was a “learning experience.” In typical parlance this means that it was a failure. It was not. We encountered MiRo Dance Theatre as they were developing a piece called Pitch Black. They met, appealed, auditioned, and werked a group of interested, curious, and some disbelieving students. MiRo did not spend time drilling […]